Како ѓе изгледа планетата земја за 250 милиони години
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Се започна од Пангеа и како изгледа кон тоа се враќа. како изгледала планетата некогаш, пред 250 милиони години, како денес и како ќе биде за 50- 100, 250 милиони години. медитеранот прв исчезнува со спојување на Африка и Европа, но Америка и остатокот нема ќе се спојат, но ќе се зиначекаме многу милиони, барем не во следниве четврт милијарда години.


There's a pretty neat site called the Paleo-Map Project which creates really deep-time continental position maps, but has also created some maps of possible future continental positions.

We all know Pangea, from about 250 million years ago:

And of course we know what the Earth looks like today:

But how about 50 million years from now? Looks like Africa colides into Europe creating mountains where the Mediterranean used to be, Antarctica moves north, and Siberia and Alaska colide. Most interestingly, the Caribbean and Scotia subduction zones suppsoedly expand to create a huge East Coast subduction zone.

How about 150 million years from now? Looks like Antarctica and Australia colide again, and Mid-Atlantic Spreading Ridge has been almost entirely swallowed up by the East Coast trench as the "old world" supercontinent moves west.

And 250 million years from now? Get ready for an hour drive between New York and Cape Town! Pretty wild, if you ask me. Interestingly, the Indian Ocean looks like it will have no global circulation and may be end up being a low oxygen, high salinity sea: Like the Dead Sea, only GIANT.


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